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Top Breastfeeding questions

Breastfeeding can be rewarding due to its many benefits. However It could also be difficult for some women but with adequate help from lactation professionals most mothers are able to breastfeed successfully. As a young girl growing up, I watched my mother breastfeed all her children with ease and thought that breastfeeding was easy but when I had my first baby, I discovered that it was really difficult for me to breastfeed. After my discharge from the hospital, I tried to feed the baby on the breast but was not successful, I also tried to hand express breast milk from my breast but there was nothing. I became sad and frustrated because I had always wanted to breastfeed my own children just like my mother did. I took my baby to see the doctor who sat me down and asked a nurse to teach me how to hold the baby and to latch my baby to the breast. I was also taught how to hand express breast milk.

As a breastfeeding counselor this is one of the issues encountered by several mothers who are new to breastfeeding. They ask me this same question “Why is my breast not producing enough milk and how will I know that my baby is getting enough to eat?”

Why is my breast not producing enough milk?

  • This may be due to baby not latching well.
  • Not placing the baby on the breast to feed and feeding from the bottle which causes nipple confusion.
  • Medications, supplements or herbs may reduce milk supply.
  • Not feeding baby frequently on the breast. The more the baby sucks on the breast the more the breast makes more milk.
  • No frequent Hand expression or wrong expression technique.
  • Contact queen’s concierge care lactation consultants/counselors for help.
  • Contact your health care provider if condition persist. Health conditions such as history of breast surgery and retained placenta tissues may prohibit adequate production of milk.

How will I know that my baby is getting enough to eat?

You know they are getting enough to eat:

  • When they have 4 bowel movement on the 4th day of delivery.
  • 6 or more wet diapers per day.
  • The color of the stool is yellow by the 5th day.
  • Urine may be clear or pale yellow.
  • Sucking and swallowing during breastfeeding.
  • Able to feed at least 8 times within 24hrs.
  • Baby is active, happy and satisfied after feeding.
  • Gaining about 5 ounces or more weekly after the 5th day of delivery. New born babies tend to lose weight in the first five days of delivery. They start to gain from then on. During this time some babies can lose up to 7% or less of their birth weight.
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