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Daniel Rose

40 years experience in international petroleum industry, last 10 years managerial and company development. Successful business startups in several international locations including hiring of staff operational logistics, sales, and P&L responsibilities. He also has 10 years of independent petroleum consulting.

Queen Rose

Attended the University of Port Harcourt Rivers State Nigeria where she obtained her first degree in Geology. Due to her love for families, decided to look for a career in the health care industry. She attended Texas Christian University and obtained a degree in Nursing. Currently a registered nurse in the state of Pennsylvania and a certified lactation counselor. She has vast experience working with families in their homes.

Richard Adaurhere

Richard Adaurhere received a master’s degree in Engineering /industrial management from the University of Johannesburg South Africa. He has years of experience in education, management and curriculum planning. 10 years of lecturing and training at Vaal university of technology South Africa.

Grace Ajulo

Grace Ajulo is a graduate of Ambrose Ali university Nigeria. She has 19 years experience in finance/marketing.

Tshepiso Mooko

Tshepiso Mooko is a graduate of North West University with years of experience in sales and marketing, international trade and finance. She also holds a diploma in advance program in management.

Ann Aduba

Ann Aduba is an accountant with about 10 years work experience in the field of Finance and Administration, Project management and Human Resource Management with a United State Agency for International Development Funded Project. She has also worked as the Country Level Finance, Administration and Logistics Consultant. The project was jointly funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation – BMGF and United States Agency for International Development – USAID.